Writing Pitfalls #3: Periods and Commas (Part II)
By now you should be settled into the fall routine and ready to tackle some of those projects that you have been putting off during the...
Special Issue: Canadian Students & A Limited-Time Offer
For the past two weeks we have been discussing common grammar issues that plague the writing of many students and professionals. We...
Writing Pitfalls #2: Periods and Commas (Part 1)
This is week two in our six-week series on common writing pitfalls. Our years of proofreading and editing experience have shown us that...
Writing Pitfalls #1: Passive Versus Active Voice
For the next six weeks we will be posting content that has been derived from our years of experience proofreading and editing work for...
Welcome to The Paper Editing Service
The Paper Editing Service is your one-stop service provider for academic proofreading and editing, personal statement and application...